St. Louis Great Streets Initiatives

Project Description

In 2006 the East-West Gateway launched the St. Louis Great Streets Initiative in an effort to expand the way communities think of their streets and trigger economic and social benefits by centering communities around interesting, lively and attractive streets that serve all modes of transportation. Hudson and Associates, LLC (Hudson) lead all of the public involvement efforts for the South Grand and Manchester Road projects.  Hudson facilitated stakeholder and public meetings; interagency coordination, media strategies, and governmental affairs efforts.  In addition, Hudson developed outreach and social media tools designed to engage and inform the public, such as websites, Facebook, on-line surveying, graphics, and project specific documents.  Hudson also lead the design charrettes, on-line surveys (which includes real-time polling), and various social mediums to ensure more participation from all audiences.

Project Details

Client : East-West Gateway
Duration : 2006
Skills :  Public Relations