North Riverfront Land Use Study (North Riverfront Commerce Corridor Land Use Plan)

Project Description

north-riverfrontThe Land Use and Marketing Analysis Study of the North Riverfront Commerce Corridor (NRCC), encompasses a 3,000-acre multi-modal logistics and business district and includes the 27acre Municipal River Terminal (MRT), the only publicly-owned port facility on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River within the Port of Metropolitan St. Louis (PMSL). The consultant team was charged with exploring opportunities to build upon on-going investments along the North Riverfront and the Municipal River Terminal (MRT) current successes.

Hudson and Associates, LLC (Hudson) was responsible for developing and implementing a Stakeholder Outreach Plan that culminated in over 35 private stakeholder meetings and 3 public workshops that involved local businesses/developers, regional-leaders and transportation partners in the study process.  In addition, Hudson created and executed a Marketing & Branding Plan used to solicit interest and investments in the area.

Project Details

Client : East-West Gateway
Duration : 2006
Skills : Public Relations