Forest Park Great Streets Project

Project Description

Forest Park is a historic crown jewel for the St. Louis metropolitan region. The 1,300acre park houses several nationally renowned cultural institutions such as the St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis Zoo and the St. Louis Science Center. It hosts numerous regional events, draws over thirteen million visitors each year, and serves as the City’s largest park. In addition to the park’s cultural institutions, it offers many amenities and attractions for its visitors including restaurants, landmarks, natural features including hiking/biking trails, and recreational facilities.

Hudson and Associates, LLC (Hudson) is responsible for conducting vigorous Stakeholder Outreach and Public Engagement with citizenry that will identify the challenges for accessibility in/and surrounding the park, and to investigate and plan regional and local access to Forest Park, along with effective and amenable circulation within the park, and appropriate mode shift facilities in conjunction with appropriate supportive land use strategies.

Project Details

Client : East West Gateway Council of Governments
Duration : 2017
Skills : Public Relations